Before Inquiring
Please refer to our FAQ before submitting an inquiry.


If you are still unable to solve your issue after viewing the FAQ, please submit an inquiry via the forms below. For the smoothest response, please contact us using the form most appropriate to your issue.

Inquiry Category
Billing Inquiry
Device Transfer Inquiry

Game-related Inquiry

Report a Player
Report a Bug

Player Account
Deletion Request

¡Operating Hours
Weekdays 11:00-17:00 JST
¦Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Japanese public holidays, maintenance periods, New Year holidays, and other specified holidays.
¦Inquiries are accepted 24 hours a day, but those received outside of our operating hours will be handled on the next business day or later.

We may not be able to reply to all inquiries, but we do review all the information we receive in order to make improvements.

Please note, in the event of a widespread issue, we may address your inquiry through in-game notices or updates.

¡Device Settings
If your device has default settings/filters preventing spam, our response may not reach you.
Please ensure you are able to receive emails from [ ].

¦Please ensure you have entered the correct email address before submitting your inquiry.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from