Before Playing
Regarding Device Transfer
Regarding Issues

Google Play Inquiries
iOS Inquiries
Other Inquiries

Regarding Device Transfer
  • Can I transfer my game data to a different device?
    • yGoogle Play, iOSz
      So long as you are using a supported device, it is possible to set up a Transfer ID and password.
      ¦Please note that the following sections on data transfer only apply to players who meet the conditions above.
  • How do I transfer my game data?
    • From the Animal Boyfriend title screen, select Start Animal Boyfriend > Agree > Data Transfer. Enter your Transfer ID and password to complete the transfer.

      yBefore Transferring your Dataz
      Please ensure to do the following before attempting to transfer your data.
      ¦Please note, players who delete their character will not be able to transfer their game data.
      ENote down your Transfer ID and password. To find your Transfer ID and password, check the "Where can I check my Transfer ID and password?" section.
  • Where can I check my Transfer ID and password?
    • Your Transfer ID and password can be confirmed by selecting "Confirm Transfer ID and Password" from the TOP page.
  • I forgot my Transfer ID/password!
    • Transfer cannot be performed if the Transfer ID and/or password are incorrect or lost.
  • I can't transfer my data!
    • yError Message: "No Data"z
      Please ensure you have the correct Transfer ID and password.
      In addition, please check the Transfer ID and password you entered for the following.

      ECorrect usage of uppercase/lowercase characters, and full-width/half-width characters
      EMistakes between "0" vs. "O" "I" vs. "l"
      EUnnecessary spaces

      ¦Please note, players who delete their character will not be able to transfer their game data.

      yTransfer Between Platformsz
      It is possible to transfer data between iOS and Google Play.
      Transfer cannot be performed between any other platforms.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com